
A common symbol of Thanksgiving, the cornucopia or "horn of plenty," is a symbol of abundance, an overflowing vessel of various goodies. Coincidentally, we have our own cornucopia here, an abundance of visual treats for all to enjoy. Happy Thanksgiving!

Awww, those exceptionally gifted young minds have an office, too.

Actually, I was looking for the interior courtyard.
(Black duct tape is a classy touch, though.)

Okay, yes, I've got some "business" with this lab:
1) Their Use Of Capitalizing Each Word For No Apparent Reason Bothers Me.
2) Periods are not decorations; they conclude only real sentences.
3) Testing and training are in progress "At All Times?"
No break for Thanksgiving? Sad.


Equip R

Equipment Room, part 1:
Why call the sign maker when you know how to properly update one yourself?

No Trash

Equipment Room, part 2:
Okay, we'll stop dropping off our trash
if you stop "updating" signs with your marker.

Time of death: June 9, 2010.
But turns out this was "not used" anyway, as noted by someone using an 80s label maker.

Every time I walk past, I feel like there's a sign staring at me with a creepy big "O."
Maybe I should use the emergency help phone to report this stalker?

Even when it comes to office signs, again the POOR LOSE.
The little sign at top is a reminder of simpler times, when buildings could only have room numbers in single digits.

"Once you retire, you may keep your office.
But get your own freaking name plate."

It can't be: we finally ran out of things to post on signs?

These don't exist anymore. But for fun you can visit where they used to be using the 1993 campus map.

This one seems kinda desperate.

The worker just wanted to be safe. But when you leave this up for several days, people start to wonder how long you can work behind the door without taking a break.
Eventually they test this sign.
And then they vandalize it.

You have to admit, this is an effective way to limit calls.

TV Control

Late-breaking news coming to you at 10, only from KSKU TV3:
"Man found at KUMC, disoriented and confused, taken to hospital ER. Doctors suspect campus signage was a factor in his condition."

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