Is this a "sign" (quote-unquote)?

One must be careful when using "quotes." Quotes can add special new meaning to otherwise plain words.



This little beauty (with the nicely redundant 'KCK City ordinance') could be a real "NO SMOKING" sign. Maybe the quotes are used here because the sign maker is actually quoting his boss when given the order?

Boss: "Hey Joe, go make us a sign that says 'no smoking'."

Joe: "Okay, boss. I'll go make a 'no smoking' sign today."


Or, the quotes could suggest we're putting up this sign because someone told us it's required, but we won't actually be enforcing it.

For example:

Patient: "Now that my syphilis is finally cured, I think I need to go have a smoke."

Nurse: "Sorry, sir, we don't "allow" smoking on campus. But you might check the "No Smoking" area on the northeast corner. It's where our surgeons who "don't smoke" hang out after "saving lives."

The quotes reminded me of this classic from the SNL ... 
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