Days turn into weeks, and still the sign is not repaired nor is it removed. Pulling up in a car, a person probably can't read the sign with it leaning this way. The pavement is still marked to reserve the space, so perhaps the broken sign has been left for some "bigger" meaning to the world?

Got it! The handicapped sign is itself handicapped! This could be a powerful statement to any person who parks here: this sign is strong, this sign overcomes its physical limitations to remain a productive member of society. This sign can live independently. This sign doesn't need or want your pity. It sees your ugly stares.
It just wants to be treated like every other sign. Is that too much to ask?

If the ADA compliance officials saw this, I suspect they'd say it has to be fixed immediately, thus ending this powerful message. But, alas, those officials do not have access to this private garage, so maybe it resonates awhile longer.
In early February we reported on a curious sign in the medical office building that was actually indicating names of people residing in the Miller building.

To our surprise, we've learned that Teresa actually did not decide to go all "Madonna" on us with a one-word name. So the sign with missing last name was a mistake. And therefore, a remedy was clearly needed ...

The yellow paper is a nice touch, apparently intended to match the color in the high-end sign for the eye shop. They nicely complement one another and make for an aesthetically pleasing display.